Зробити студенську роботу


30.00 $ - 50.00 $

Очікуване виконання:

3 дня


Дата початку:

End date:


Потрбно зробити студенську роботу:
Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PhD). The dissertation on "Synthesis of triazens on the basis of 4-substituted derivatives of 9,10-anthraquinone" in the specialized scientific 02.00.03 - organic chemistry.
Based on the dissertation, 11 articles were published, 6 of them in scientific professional publications of Ukraine, 4 in scientific periodicals of Ukraine of category A, included in scientometric databases (Scopus or Web of Science), 1 article - in scientific periodicals of other countries, 13 abstracts of reports at conferences, received 1 patent of Ukraine for a utility model.


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Предложений: 1

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